O.K., I pretty much dropped off the edge of the earth as far as blogging is concerned after Christmas. Sorry, I really am still out here. I just couldn't seem to get going again for a while. I didn't make anymore time to sit at the computer. I have been checking out what you all have been up to though.
I have just really been if a funk. Spring has been well underway for a couple months now, which usually lifts me out of the Winter doldrums, but I just get going with a project or a trip, or Someone comes to visit-then I get sick, or the kids again! Ugh!! It really messes with my momentum. I could just scream about being sick constantly! I must not be the only one, cause my Dr. said, "If I could tell you how many moms have said they wanted a bug bomb type sterilizer for their entire house!" That's exactly how I feel! I just keep cleaning and cleaning yet the sick bugs just keep coming back!
I just am so tired of it!
We have been trying to have some fun this spring though. I will try to get some photos up too and get back into the groove of things( around the house and blog wise). Seriously, I was trying to remember what it felt like when I had Mono in High School, that is how lazy I feel lately. I will quit complaining now and just say it is good to be back at it again!