Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Day of Thanks

This year we went to Andy's parent's house to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was a fun time with lots of pigging out. We went on a personalized tour at the power plant where Andy's Dad works. It was really interesting to see all that goes into making our power. The plant is very complex. Afterward, we all met at the Community Center -type place that is actually part of the power plant and had pizza, played pool, ping pong, racket ball and hung out. It's a neat place that was built before the power plant was finish for all the workers there and you don't have to pay to do any of the activities. The boys went hunting rabbits and shooting one day and another we got to take some 4 wheelers out to the sand dunes and cruise around that was great! (Thanks Stephen and your Inlaws!)
Of course all the feast was delicious. Everyone contributed with a desert or side dish, or more! I'm never going to lose the extra baby weight at this rate; everything is just too tasty! I can't believe that it is already Holiday time again! Each year seems to go by faster and faster. I am very thankful for all I am blessed with. I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and family along with all the trimmings! I can really sound like I'm a not happy for what I have, cause I tend to vent a lot, but I really am grateful for all I have been given.

Before we left for vacation, Haden had a little surgery to remove the skin tag on his ear. I was a nervous wreck about turning over my baby to strangers and having him go under anesthesia. It's no big deal compared to having open heart surgery like a baby in our ward that was born just before Haden needs, but it worried me just the same. He has done well and he has a followup tomorrow with the Doctor for the official word. We have had some rough nights this week though with him having a very runny nose. I'm not sure what the deal is with that. He doesn't seam to have a fever; I can't see any signs of teeth popping up and the rest of us are feeling fine (except for lack of sleep), but he is so snotty, he is not sleeping well and wants to be held all day!
I'm not quite sure what his problem is, but I hope it's over soon.

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